Stay Cozy | Custom Orders

Stay Cozy | Custom Orders

As a creative, small business owner, I love making custom orders!

What custom items do you make?

If you're looking for a custom stuffie of your pet or other animal, you can order directly on my website under the "Stuffies" tab or by clicking here.

Below is a list of items I offer for custom order. Whether it's one of these or something else you have in mind, please email me at to get the process started!

- Weighted blanket made with Stay Cozy tube yarn

- Chunky granny square blanket made with Stay Cozy chenille yarn

- Baby Boat / Pet Bed made with Stay Cozy tube yarn

- Pillow, handbag, rug, crib bumper...anything else??

How long does it take?

Honestly, each custom order is different. It depends on the item, how many other orders I have in the pipeline, and the availability of the yarn needed. Timelines can range from 1-12 weeks, but I usually keep the top announcement bar updated with a current estimated timeline.