The barn renovation has begun!

This is just the beginning…

For real, we’ve done a lot but there’s so much left to do!

Want to see the progress so far? Start by watching this Barn Reno - a montage - part 1.

We had talked about using this barn as my work space a couple years ago, but the timing wasn’t right. After being home with two young kiddos, being in the pandemic, and cleaning up after the derecho, I was ready to get away from our house and have a separate place that was for my work.

But today, I’m ready to be closer to home again.

Our kids are in school. I want to better utilize the space we already have (rather than pay rent for an additional space). And some of my personal and professional goals have shifted.

I’m so thankful for a husband who knows what he’s doing (most of the time) and is willing to figure it out the rest of the time. I literally couldn’t do this project without him!

A note on space...

I also want to say that although I’m so excited about my space, having a separate space is not a necessity for creating. If you are working out of a closet or at your kitchen table or from your bedroom, your creativity and work is just as valid and amazing and important! I've been there. Managing a small, multi-use space can be stressful, but it can also be incredibly efficient. It can be frustrating to never be truly alone, and also a gift to be accessible to your family if that's what your season of life requires.

All of that to say, if you get a separate space one day, amazing! 👏🏼 I will be cheering for you and waiting for photos. But if not, if you always work from a small space or a shared space or an imperfect space, I will be cheering for you and waiting to see what you create. Because that's what's important - that you keep creating what you love and drawn to and inspired by. You’re amazing no matter what 👏🏼 

Stay creative,


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